A bomb exploded in a government telecommunication center in Kyaikmayaw town, the largest city in Mon state’s Kyiakmayaw Township, at 11pm on April 27th. According to a village chairman from the township, who asked to remain anonymous, 3 government workers at the center were wounded.
Kyaikmayaw town is roughly 100 miles southeast of Rangoon.
“The bomb exploded in Kalainkanaing quarter of the town on the 27th at 11 PM. The bombers arrived by motorbike,” he said.
This headman reported that the blast has elicited fear among Kyaikmayaw town residents, who fear that the large population of and central location of the city might lead to a repeat bombing.
“The people are also concerned, because the explosion occurred in the town [not in a rural area],” he explained.
Since April 15th of this year, four bomb blasts have occurred across the country of Burma. One in Rangoon during the city’s Songkran festivities, one at a mining site in northern Burma’s Kachin State, one in the capital of Karenni State in eastern Burma, and this last explosion in Mon state, located in the south of the country.
The government has accused the opposition groups of committing the first 3 explosions, but have yet to level accusations at any party regarding the Kyaikmayaw blast.
The New Mon State Party (NMSP) has denied responsibility for the bombing.
“We have not heard about this yet, and our party is not related to the explosion, as we haven’t ordered to our members to commit such acts. We want to solve problems in peace,” NMSP Vice- Chairman Nai Rot Sa told IMNA.
Friday, 30 April 2010
Thursday, 29 April 2010
Global Action for Burma (GAB): EU må ta det neste steget sterkere
Global Action for Burma (GAB): EU må ta det neste steget sterkere
26 april 2010
Global Action for Burma (GAB) kaller for europeiske union (EU) å ta det neste sterkere trinn som skal være EU står fast på det standpunkt at den ikke vil anerkjenne juntaens planlagte valget 2010 og dens resultater.
Vi ønsker velkommen EU-resolusjon om Burma, men vi ønsker å se handling. Nå er det veldig viktig tid for Burma. Vi ønsker at EU skal vite at de må være realistiske i håndteringen av juntaen.
Internasjonale samfunn, inkludert EU har ringt for juntaen å gå inn i dialog med Daw Aung San Suu Kyi ledet demokratiske grupper.
I realiteten har juntaen ikke har viljen til å finne løsningen fredelig og det er en snu ryggen til dialog bordet. Det er nå 20 år internasjonale samfunnet roper på juntaen for å angi dialog.
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi sa en gang at-"Vi (NLD) har gjort alt vi kan for å forsøke å få til en dialog som vil hjelpe oss å finne løsninger på problemene i landet vårt. Det er det militære regimet som er imot dialog. Vi ønsker at verden skal se tydelig på hva som skjer og å se hvor manglende fleksibilitet egentlig ligger. National League for Democracy (NLD) representerer folket i Burma og deres ønske om en rettferdig, rettferdig, demokratisk regjering ».
Junta ignorerer alltid det internasjonale samfunnet samtaler for å angi dialog vite at det er bare ord uten handling. Burmesisk mennesker lider mer og mer i mellomtiden, og juntaen har fått enorm fortjeneste fra internasjonale samfunnets honning glassert tilnærming.
Vi har hatt nok med militærregimet, og vi ønsker å se reell endring i Burma. Vi ønsket også å se internasjonale samfunnet støtter oss med handling i stedet for ord. Vi ønsker å se EU tar modige neste trinn i stedet lurer rundt opprettholde sanksjon på Burma. Selv om vi støtter sanksjoner, men det vil ikke skape reell endring i Burma.
Global Action for Burma (GAB) vil gjerne se (3) praktiske tiltak EU ville ta for å få til reell endring i Burma, dvs.
En. EU må erklære at den ikke vil anerkjenne juntaens planlagt valg 2010 og dens resultater.
2. EU må ringe for gjennomføring av 1990 valgresultatet og faktisk støtter den demokratiske gruppene forsøker å implementere disse resultatene.
Tre. EU må erklære at den er klar til å godkjenne Aung San Suu Kyi ledede regjeringen som den legitime regjeringen i Burma dersom bør man være dannet.
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi ledet National League for Democracy (NLD), seierherrene av 1990 valg besluttet enstemmig å boikotte juntaens planlagt humbug 2010 valget.
Uten deltakelse av Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, uten deltakelse av National League for Democracy (NLD), og uten deltakelse av 1990 valget vinne partier, juntaens planlagt valg i 2010 er helt klart ikke godskrevet.
Essensen av planer om å holde valg i 2010 er bare for å opphever 1990 valgresultatet for å legitimere militære styre i Burma ved å ekskludere Daw Aung San Suu Kyi og politiske aktivister i Burma fremtiden.
Global Action for Burma (GAB) ønsker å heve (5) poeng hvorfor EU bør erklære den vil ikke anerkjenne juntaens planlagt valg 2010 og resultatene, dvs.
En. 1990 valgresultatene er likevel ennå å bli æret
2. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi og tusenvis av dissidenter er fortsatt i fengslene
Tre. National League for Democracy boikotte juntaens planlagt valg
4. 2008 grunnloven er utformet for å legitimert militære styre i Burma
5. Electoral lover er urettferdig og udemokratisk
Når vi snakker om Burma-krisen, ender vi opp å si bringe Burma sak å diskutere på UNSC. Etter at vi ender opp med å si Kina og Russland vil blokkere med veto. Det er som aldri sluttet sirkel og vi må avslutte denne.
Nå har vi den nye tilnærmingen som vil by-pass UNSC eller Kina og Russland veto. Dersom internasjonale samfunnet sin tilslutning til Aung San Suu Kyi ledede regjeringen som den legitime regjeringen hvis bør man være dannet, så vil det bli svaret for Burma-krisen.
For mer informasjon ta kontakt med talsmenn på vegne av Global Action for Burma (GAB):
Ko Sonny Aung Than Oo (Tyskland)
Burma Bureau Tyskland
00-49-173 534 7534, AtoBurma@web.de
Ko Kyaw Zaw Wai (Canada)
Canadian Campaign for Free Burma (CCFB)
1-416-358-2318, zaw.w.kyaw @ gmail.com
Ko Yin Aye (USA)
Free Burma Federation (FBF)
1-2407532397, yindbso@gmail.com
Ko Ko Aung (Japan)
Democratic Federation of Burma (DFB)
090-1506-2893, kokoaung_dfbjp@yahoo.com
Ko Kyaw Than (India)
Alle Burma Studenter League (ABSL)
91-9810601506, dawnstar88@gmail.com
Ko Yin Htwe (Thailand)
Burma politisk fange Union (BPPU)
66845755416, yinhtwe@gmail.com
Ko Tay Tay Zar (Danmark)
Aktionsgruppe for Demokratii Burma (ADB-DK)
004522838096, tayzar.tay @ gmail.com
Ko Myo Thein (UK)
Burma Democratic Bekymring (BDC)
447877882386, myothein@bdcburma.org
htpp: / / www.bdcburma.org
26 april 2010
Global Action for Burma (GAB) kaller for europeiske union (EU) å ta det neste sterkere trinn som skal være EU står fast på det standpunkt at den ikke vil anerkjenne juntaens planlagte valget 2010 og dens resultater.
Vi ønsker velkommen EU-resolusjon om Burma, men vi ønsker å se handling. Nå er det veldig viktig tid for Burma. Vi ønsker at EU skal vite at de må være realistiske i håndteringen av juntaen.
Internasjonale samfunn, inkludert EU har ringt for juntaen å gå inn i dialog med Daw Aung San Suu Kyi ledet demokratiske grupper.
I realiteten har juntaen ikke har viljen til å finne løsningen fredelig og det er en snu ryggen til dialog bordet. Det er nå 20 år internasjonale samfunnet roper på juntaen for å angi dialog.
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi sa en gang at-"Vi (NLD) har gjort alt vi kan for å forsøke å få til en dialog som vil hjelpe oss å finne løsninger på problemene i landet vårt. Det er det militære regimet som er imot dialog. Vi ønsker at verden skal se tydelig på hva som skjer og å se hvor manglende fleksibilitet egentlig ligger. National League for Democracy (NLD) representerer folket i Burma og deres ønske om en rettferdig, rettferdig, demokratisk regjering ».
Junta ignorerer alltid det internasjonale samfunnet samtaler for å angi dialog vite at det er bare ord uten handling. Burmesisk mennesker lider mer og mer i mellomtiden, og juntaen har fått enorm fortjeneste fra internasjonale samfunnets honning glassert tilnærming.
Vi har hatt nok med militærregimet, og vi ønsker å se reell endring i Burma. Vi ønsket også å se internasjonale samfunnet støtter oss med handling i stedet for ord. Vi ønsker å se EU tar modige neste trinn i stedet lurer rundt opprettholde sanksjon på Burma. Selv om vi støtter sanksjoner, men det vil ikke skape reell endring i Burma.
Global Action for Burma (GAB) vil gjerne se (3) praktiske tiltak EU ville ta for å få til reell endring i Burma, dvs.
En. EU må erklære at den ikke vil anerkjenne juntaens planlagt valg 2010 og dens resultater.
2. EU må ringe for gjennomføring av 1990 valgresultatet og faktisk støtter den demokratiske gruppene forsøker å implementere disse resultatene.
Tre. EU må erklære at den er klar til å godkjenne Aung San Suu Kyi ledede regjeringen som den legitime regjeringen i Burma dersom bør man være dannet.
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi ledet National League for Democracy (NLD), seierherrene av 1990 valg besluttet enstemmig å boikotte juntaens planlagt humbug 2010 valget.
Uten deltakelse av Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, uten deltakelse av National League for Democracy (NLD), og uten deltakelse av 1990 valget vinne partier, juntaens planlagt valg i 2010 er helt klart ikke godskrevet.
Essensen av planer om å holde valg i 2010 er bare for å opphever 1990 valgresultatet for å legitimere militære styre i Burma ved å ekskludere Daw Aung San Suu Kyi og politiske aktivister i Burma fremtiden.
Global Action for Burma (GAB) ønsker å heve (5) poeng hvorfor EU bør erklære den vil ikke anerkjenne juntaens planlagt valg 2010 og resultatene, dvs.
En. 1990 valgresultatene er likevel ennå å bli æret
2. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi og tusenvis av dissidenter er fortsatt i fengslene
Tre. National League for Democracy boikotte juntaens planlagt valg
4. 2008 grunnloven er utformet for å legitimert militære styre i Burma
5. Electoral lover er urettferdig og udemokratisk
Når vi snakker om Burma-krisen, ender vi opp å si bringe Burma sak å diskutere på UNSC. Etter at vi ender opp med å si Kina og Russland vil blokkere med veto. Det er som aldri sluttet sirkel og vi må avslutte denne.
Nå har vi den nye tilnærmingen som vil by-pass UNSC eller Kina og Russland veto. Dersom internasjonale samfunnet sin tilslutning til Aung San Suu Kyi ledede regjeringen som den legitime regjeringen hvis bør man være dannet, så vil det bli svaret for Burma-krisen.
For mer informasjon ta kontakt med talsmenn på vegne av Global Action for Burma (GAB):
Ko Sonny Aung Than Oo (Tyskland)
Burma Bureau Tyskland
00-49-173 534 7534, AtoBurma@web.de
Ko Kyaw Zaw Wai (Canada)
Canadian Campaign for Free Burma (CCFB)
1-416-358-2318, zaw.w.kyaw @ gmail.com
Ko Yin Aye (USA)
Free Burma Federation (FBF)
1-2407532397, yindbso@gmail.com
Ko Ko Aung (Japan)
Democratic Federation of Burma (DFB)
090-1506-2893, kokoaung_dfbjp@yahoo.com
Ko Kyaw Than (India)
Alle Burma Studenter League (ABSL)
91-9810601506, dawnstar88@gmail.com
Ko Yin Htwe (Thailand)
Burma politisk fange Union (BPPU)
66845755416, yinhtwe@gmail.com
Ko Tay Tay Zar (Danmark)
Aktionsgruppe for Demokratii Burma (ADB-DK)
004522838096, tayzar.tay @ gmail.com
Ko Myo Thein (UK)
Burma Democratic Bekymring (BDC)
447877882386, myothein@bdcburma.org
htpp: / / www.bdcburma.org
Sunday, 25 April 2010
Burma: EU must declare it won’t recognize junta’s planned 2010 election and its results
Burma: EU must declare it won’t recognize junta’s planned 2010 election and its results
25 April 2010
Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) calls for European Union (EU) to declare that “It won’t recognize junta’s planned election in 2010 and its results”.
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi led National League for Democracy (NLD) decided unanimously on 29 March 2010 to boycott the junta’s planned sham 2010 election due to its unfair electoral laws.
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi led NLD, unanimous victor of 1990 election, stands firmly on “Shew-Gone-Daing” declaration of which all four main principals are equally important that needs to place in order to have true national reconciliation in Burma.
Without the participation of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, without the participation of National League for Democracy (NLD), and without the participation of 1990 election winning parties, junta’s planned election in 2010 is clearly not creditable.
The very military regime held the election in 1990 pledging that they will transfer the power to the election wining party. The junta’s Law No.14/89, "Pyithu Hluttaw Election Law," states clearly in Chapter 3 Section 3 that the "Hluttaw (Assembly) shall be formed with the Hluttaw representatives who have been elected.
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi led National League for Democracy (NLD) won landslide victory. Instead of honouring 1990 election result, junta put Daw Aung San Suu Kyi under house arrest and suppressing on the dissidents intensified. During their reign of terror, people of Burma are suffering tremendously.
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi once said that: “The results of these elections will remain valid until such time as the Members of Parliament elected in 1990 by the people have had a chance to get together and decide what the next step is going to be. The world has to make certain that the outcome of these elections is honoured”. Even recently she urges the public to uphold “Shwe-Gone-Daing” declaration.
Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) is glad to learn European Union (EU) resolution on Burma which was issued on 11 February 2010 stating that “Elections in 2010 is to justify five decades of military rule and gives the military 25% of the seats in parliament whereas the elections will be based on the army-drafted Constitution which bars Aung San Suu Kyi, leader of the National League for Democracy (NLD) from public office” and it also noted that “Under the present conditions they cannot be considered free and democratic, in particular, the ban on Aung San Sui Kyi standing as a candidate”.
Junta fails to implement 1990 election result until today and unilaterally adopted 2008 constitution to entrench military rule in Burma. The essence of planning to hold election in 2010 is “to nullify 1990 election results, to legitimise military rule in Burma and to exclude Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and political activists in the Burma political process”.
“I would like to affirm here that there is no room for genuine democratic change in Burma due to junta’s planned 2010 election so that all the justice loving countries should avoid any action glorifying it”, said Myo Thein, the Director of Burma Democratic Concern (BDC).
For more information please contact Myo Thein, the Director of Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) at 00-44-78 7788 2386 or 00-44-20 8493 9137.
25 April 2010
Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) calls for European Union (EU) to declare that “It won’t recognize junta’s planned election in 2010 and its results”.
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi led National League for Democracy (NLD) decided unanimously on 29 March 2010 to boycott the junta’s planned sham 2010 election due to its unfair electoral laws.
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi led NLD, unanimous victor of 1990 election, stands firmly on “Shew-Gone-Daing” declaration of which all four main principals are equally important that needs to place in order to have true national reconciliation in Burma.
Without the participation of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, without the participation of National League for Democracy (NLD), and without the participation of 1990 election winning parties, junta’s planned election in 2010 is clearly not creditable.
The very military regime held the election in 1990 pledging that they will transfer the power to the election wining party. The junta’s Law No.14/89, "Pyithu Hluttaw Election Law," states clearly in Chapter 3 Section 3 that the "Hluttaw (Assembly) shall be formed with the Hluttaw representatives who have been elected.
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi led National League for Democracy (NLD) won landslide victory. Instead of honouring 1990 election result, junta put Daw Aung San Suu Kyi under house arrest and suppressing on the dissidents intensified. During their reign of terror, people of Burma are suffering tremendously.
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi once said that: “The results of these elections will remain valid until such time as the Members of Parliament elected in 1990 by the people have had a chance to get together and decide what the next step is going to be. The world has to make certain that the outcome of these elections is honoured”. Even recently she urges the public to uphold “Shwe-Gone-Daing” declaration.
Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) is glad to learn European Union (EU) resolution on Burma which was issued on 11 February 2010 stating that “Elections in 2010 is to justify five decades of military rule and gives the military 25% of the seats in parliament whereas the elections will be based on the army-drafted Constitution which bars Aung San Suu Kyi, leader of the National League for Democracy (NLD) from public office” and it also noted that “Under the present conditions they cannot be considered free and democratic, in particular, the ban on Aung San Sui Kyi standing as a candidate”.
Junta fails to implement 1990 election result until today and unilaterally adopted 2008 constitution to entrench military rule in Burma. The essence of planning to hold election in 2010 is “to nullify 1990 election results, to legitimise military rule in Burma and to exclude Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and political activists in the Burma political process”.
“I would like to affirm here that there is no room for genuine democratic change in Burma due to junta’s planned 2010 election so that all the justice loving countries should avoid any action glorifying it”, said Myo Thein, the Director of Burma Democratic Concern (BDC).
For more information please contact Myo Thein, the Director of Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) at 00-44-78 7788 2386 or 00-44-20 8493 9137.
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
Sunday, 18 April 2010
Burma Crisis, Bomb Series og Bully Junta
Burma Crisis, Bomb Series og Bully Junta
Nylig i Burma, serie bomber eksploderte er i Rangoon (Rangoon Division som ligger i sørlige del av Burma), i Myitgyinar (kachin sate som ligger i nordlige deler av Burma) og nå i Kyaugtaw (Arakan stat som ligger i Vest- Deler av Burma) dagen etter den andre.
Folk tror at juntaen er å sette opp den pre-teksten for å arrestere politiske dissidenter. Folk tror også at juntaen selv er ansvarlig for slike terrorhandlinger.
Siden juntaen planlegger å holde show-saken valget i 2010 i samsvar med de 2008 grunnlov som er utformet for å legitimere militære styre i Burma for å opphever 1990 valgresultat der Aung San Suu Kyi ledet National League for Democracy (NLD) vant skredet seier.
Den 29. mars 2010, Aung San Suu Kyis parti, NLD erklærte at de vil boikotte juntaens planlagt humbug 2010 valg som er effektivt sender veldig sterkt budskap til verden om at juntaens planlagte 2010 valget spillet er ikke troverdig.
Dessuten er folk rundt om i verden ringer for Aung San Suu Kyi ledet regjering som er effektivt i svinger juntaen siden hvis regjeringer verden rundt støtter Aung San Suu Kyi ledede regjeringen som legitimt da skjebnen til Burma ville endre seg betraktelig.
Nå tror at juntaen er å begå forferdelige forbrytelsene drepe uskyldige mennesker av eksploderende serien av bomber rundt omkring i landet (bortsett fra Nei-Pyi-Taw der Than Shwe er basert på). Det er tydelig at juntaen vil gjøre alt for å klamre seg til makten.
Dette er tiden at verdenssamfunnet må fordømme staten terrorister av Burma, SPDC militære regimet som dreper tusenvis av uskyldige mennesker i løpet av deres terrorregime.
Vi ønsker å ringe etter burmesisk folk rundt om i landet til å være årvåken og igjen ønsker vi å kalle for regjeringer over hele verden for å få klar til å støtte Aung San Suu Kyi ledede regjeringen dersom bør man være dannet.
Nylig i Burma, serie bomber eksploderte er i Rangoon (Rangoon Division som ligger i sørlige del av Burma), i Myitgyinar (kachin sate som ligger i nordlige deler av Burma) og nå i Kyaugtaw (Arakan stat som ligger i Vest- Deler av Burma) dagen etter den andre.
Folk tror at juntaen er å sette opp den pre-teksten for å arrestere politiske dissidenter. Folk tror også at juntaen selv er ansvarlig for slike terrorhandlinger.
Siden juntaen planlegger å holde show-saken valget i 2010 i samsvar med de 2008 grunnlov som er utformet for å legitimere militære styre i Burma for å opphever 1990 valgresultat der Aung San Suu Kyi ledet National League for Democracy (NLD) vant skredet seier.
Den 29. mars 2010, Aung San Suu Kyis parti, NLD erklærte at de vil boikotte juntaens planlagt humbug 2010 valg som er effektivt sender veldig sterkt budskap til verden om at juntaens planlagte 2010 valget spillet er ikke troverdig.
Dessuten er folk rundt om i verden ringer for Aung San Suu Kyi ledet regjering som er effektivt i svinger juntaen siden hvis regjeringer verden rundt støtter Aung San Suu Kyi ledede regjeringen som legitimt da skjebnen til Burma ville endre seg betraktelig.
Nå tror at juntaen er å begå forferdelige forbrytelsene drepe uskyldige mennesker av eksploderende serien av bomber rundt omkring i landet (bortsett fra Nei-Pyi-Taw der Than Shwe er basert på). Det er tydelig at juntaen vil gjøre alt for å klamre seg til makten.
Dette er tiden at verdenssamfunnet må fordømme staten terrorister av Burma, SPDC militære regimet som dreper tusenvis av uskyldige mennesker i løpet av deres terrorregime.
Vi ønsker å ringe etter burmesisk folk rundt om i landet til å være årvåken og igjen ønsker vi å kalle for regjeringer over hele verden for å få klar til å støtte Aung San Suu Kyi ledede regjeringen dersom bør man være dannet.
Friday, 9 April 2010
Thursday, 8 April 2010
Burma's Legitimate Leader Aung San Suu Kyi: Use Your Liberty to Promote Ours
This is the you tube video you MUST share.
08 April 2010 — Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) would like to give clear message to the world leaders that:
1.National League for Democracy (NLD), unanimous victor of 1990 election, stands firmly on Shew-Gone-Daing Declaration of which all four main principals are equally important that needs to place in order to have true national reconciliation i.e. to release all political prisoners, to take place genuine dialogue, to revise 2008 constitution and to recognize 1990 election results.
2.On 29 March 2010, Aung San Suu Kyi gave her stands clearly by saying She doesnt accept 2008 constitution, she doesnt accept the juntas unjust and undemocratic Political Party Registration Laws and she upholds the Shwe-Gone-Daing Declaration.
3.All the oppressed people of Burma stand firmly on upholding the Shwe-Gone-Daing Declaration and unanimously follow the leadership of Aung San Suu Kyi.
4.Now, people around the world are calling for Aung San Suu Kyi led Interim Government.
5.Burmese people want the international governments to endorse Aung San Suu Kyi led interim government as the legitimate government of Burma if the one should be formed, which is effectively by-passing the possible use of veto by China or Russia at the UNSC.
The role of the world citizens have became more important than ever for the democratisation of Burma. Everyone can take part and the world leaders must be informed of the genuine desire of Burmese people.
Please write the letter, email, fax, and/or telephone your government that they should be ready to endorse Aung San Suu Kyi led interim government as the legitimate government of Burma if the one should be formed.
You can get the address of the UNGA member countries at http://www.un.org/en/members and you can get the sample letter at http://bdcburma.org/Statements.asp?Id=84
For more information please contact Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) at 00-44-208 4939 137 or 00-44-787 7882 386.
You can also contact us via email at bdcburma@yahoo.com
08 April 2010 — Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) would like to give clear message to the world leaders that:
1.National League for Democracy (NLD), unanimous victor of 1990 election, stands firmly on Shew-Gone-Daing Declaration of which all four main principals are equally important that needs to place in order to have true national reconciliation i.e. to release all political prisoners, to take place genuine dialogue, to revise 2008 constitution and to recognize 1990 election results.
2.On 29 March 2010, Aung San Suu Kyi gave her stands clearly by saying She doesnt accept 2008 constitution, she doesnt accept the juntas unjust and undemocratic Political Party Registration Laws and she upholds the Shwe-Gone-Daing Declaration.
3.All the oppressed people of Burma stand firmly on upholding the Shwe-Gone-Daing Declaration and unanimously follow the leadership of Aung San Suu Kyi.
4.Now, people around the world are calling for Aung San Suu Kyi led Interim Government.
5.Burmese people want the international governments to endorse Aung San Suu Kyi led interim government as the legitimate government of Burma if the one should be formed, which is effectively by-passing the possible use of veto by China or Russia at the UNSC.
The role of the world citizens have became more important than ever for the democratisation of Burma. Everyone can take part and the world leaders must be informed of the genuine desire of Burmese people.
Please write the letter, email, fax, and/or telephone your government that they should be ready to endorse Aung San Suu Kyi led interim government as the legitimate government of Burma if the one should be formed.
You can get the address of the UNGA member countries at http://www.un.org/en/members and you can get the sample letter at http://bdcburma.org/Statements.asp?Id=84
For more information please contact Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) at 00-44-208 4939 137 or 00-44-787 7882 386.
You can also contact us via email at bdcburma@yahoo.com
Burma Interim Government: International Community must be informed
Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) today calls for the international community to stand by with the oppressed people of Burma.
Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) wholeheartedly welcomes Aung San Suu Kyi led National League for Democracy (NLD)’s unanimous decision on 29 March 2010, not to re-register to contest junta’s planned sham 2010 election game plan which will be legitimizing military rule in Burma.
The very military regime held the election in 1990 pledging that they will transfer the power to the election wining party. Aung San Suu Kyi led National League for Democracy (NLD) won landslide victory.
The junta’s Law No.14/89, "Pyithu Hluttaw Election Law," states clearly in Chapter 3 Section 3 that the "Hluttaw (Assembly) shall be formed with the Hluttaw representatives who have been elected.
Instead of honouring 1990 election result, junta put Aung San Suu Kyi under house arrest and suppressing on the dissidents intensified. During their reign of terror, people of Burma are suffering tremendously. Junta never hesitate to use brutal force to repress anyone who opposes their illegitimate rule.
Aung San Suu Kyi officially once said that “That the results of the 1990 General Elections must be implemented is a resolution already taken by the United Nations. We already know that the General Assembly of the United Nations has accepted the notion that the will of the people has been expressed in the 1990 General Elections. This is something we cannot abandon. It will be to the detriment of our country if after an election has been held the results are not honoured and we do not resist attempts to trivialise it”.
Aung San Suu Kyi reaffirmed again the importance of implementing 1990 election result and the necessary practical action taken by international community by saying "Since 1992, the United Nations General Assembly has been passing resolutions on the human rights situation in Burma. But resolutions are not enough. Resolutions should be implemented. We think it is time that the international community took a greater interest in getting the terms of the resolutions implemented".
What is the purpose United Nations standing for if it cannot take effective action decisively rather than playing into junta’s hands? We don’t want to see UNSC action being disabled due to the China or Russia governments (possible) use of veto whenever Burma crisis is on the table. Now people are finding ways to by-pass China or Russia governments’ blockage at the UNSC.
We believe that if international governments recognise the people’s leader as the legitimate government rather than junta, it will be effectively by-passing the UNSC as well as by-passing the China or Russia governments' possible use of veto at the UNSC since they cannot influence individual countries taking decisions independently.
Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) would like to give clear message to the world leaders that:
1. National League for Democracy (NLD), unanimous victor of 1990 election, stands firmly on “Shew-Gone-Daing” Declaration of which all four main principals are equally important that needs to place in order to have true national reconciliation i.e. to release all political prisoners, to take place genuine dialogue, to revise 2008 constitution and to recognize 1990 election results.
2. On 29 March 2010, Aung San Suu Kyi gave her stands clearly by saying “She doesn’t accept 2008 constitution, she doesn’t accept the junta’s unjust and undemocratic Political Party Registration Laws and she upholds the “Shwe-Gone-Daing” Declaration.
3. All the oppressed people of Burma stand firmly on upholding the “Shwe-Gone-Daing” Declaration and unanimously follow the leadership of Aung San Suu Kyi.
4. Now, people around the world are calling for Aung San Suu Kyi led “Interim Government”.
5. Burmese people want the international governments to endorse “Aung San Suu Kyi led interim government” as the legitimate government of Burma if the one should be formed, which is effectively by-passing the possible use of veto by China or Russia at the UNSC.
The role of the world citizens have became more important than ever for the democratisation of Burma. Everyone can take part and the world leaders must be informed of the genuine desire of Burmese people.
Please write the letter, email, fax, and/or telephone your government that they should be ready to endorse “Aung San Suu Kyi led interim government” as the legitimate government of Burma if the one should be formed.
You can get the address of the UNGA member countries at http://www.un.org/en/members and you can get the sample letter at http://bdcburma.org/Statements.asp?Id=84
For more information please contact Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) at 00-44-208 4939 137 or 00-44-787 7882 386.
You can also contact us via email at bdcburma@yahoo.com
Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) wholeheartedly welcomes Aung San Suu Kyi led National League for Democracy (NLD)’s unanimous decision on 29 March 2010, not to re-register to contest junta’s planned sham 2010 election game plan which will be legitimizing military rule in Burma.
The very military regime held the election in 1990 pledging that they will transfer the power to the election wining party. Aung San Suu Kyi led National League for Democracy (NLD) won landslide victory.
The junta’s Law No.14/89, "Pyithu Hluttaw Election Law," states clearly in Chapter 3 Section 3 that the "Hluttaw (Assembly) shall be formed with the Hluttaw representatives who have been elected.
Instead of honouring 1990 election result, junta put Aung San Suu Kyi under house arrest and suppressing on the dissidents intensified. During their reign of terror, people of Burma are suffering tremendously. Junta never hesitate to use brutal force to repress anyone who opposes their illegitimate rule.
Aung San Suu Kyi officially once said that “That the results of the 1990 General Elections must be implemented is a resolution already taken by the United Nations. We already know that the General Assembly of the United Nations has accepted the notion that the will of the people has been expressed in the 1990 General Elections. This is something we cannot abandon. It will be to the detriment of our country if after an election has been held the results are not honoured and we do not resist attempts to trivialise it”.
Aung San Suu Kyi reaffirmed again the importance of implementing 1990 election result and the necessary practical action taken by international community by saying "Since 1992, the United Nations General Assembly has been passing resolutions on the human rights situation in Burma. But resolutions are not enough. Resolutions should be implemented. We think it is time that the international community took a greater interest in getting the terms of the resolutions implemented".
What is the purpose United Nations standing for if it cannot take effective action decisively rather than playing into junta’s hands? We don’t want to see UNSC action being disabled due to the China or Russia governments (possible) use of veto whenever Burma crisis is on the table. Now people are finding ways to by-pass China or Russia governments’ blockage at the UNSC.
We believe that if international governments recognise the people’s leader as the legitimate government rather than junta, it will be effectively by-passing the UNSC as well as by-passing the China or Russia governments' possible use of veto at the UNSC since they cannot influence individual countries taking decisions independently.
Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) would like to give clear message to the world leaders that:
1. National League for Democracy (NLD), unanimous victor of 1990 election, stands firmly on “Shew-Gone-Daing” Declaration of which all four main principals are equally important that needs to place in order to have true national reconciliation i.e. to release all political prisoners, to take place genuine dialogue, to revise 2008 constitution and to recognize 1990 election results.
2. On 29 March 2010, Aung San Suu Kyi gave her stands clearly by saying “She doesn’t accept 2008 constitution, she doesn’t accept the junta’s unjust and undemocratic Political Party Registration Laws and she upholds the “Shwe-Gone-Daing” Declaration.
3. All the oppressed people of Burma stand firmly on upholding the “Shwe-Gone-Daing” Declaration and unanimously follow the leadership of Aung San Suu Kyi.
4. Now, people around the world are calling for Aung San Suu Kyi led “Interim Government”.
5. Burmese people want the international governments to endorse “Aung San Suu Kyi led interim government” as the legitimate government of Burma if the one should be formed, which is effectively by-passing the possible use of veto by China or Russia at the UNSC.
The role of the world citizens have became more important than ever for the democratisation of Burma. Everyone can take part and the world leaders must be informed of the genuine desire of Burmese people.
Please write the letter, email, fax, and/or telephone your government that they should be ready to endorse “Aung San Suu Kyi led interim government” as the legitimate government of Burma if the one should be formed.
You can get the address of the UNGA member countries at http://www.un.org/en/members and you can get the sample letter at http://bdcburma.org/Statements.asp?Id=84
For more information please contact Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) at 00-44-208 4939 137 or 00-44-787 7882 386.
You can also contact us via email at bdcburma@yahoo.com
Wednesday, 7 April 2010
Burma: Verdenssamfunnet må være informert
Burma: Verdenssamfunnet må være informert
7 april 2010 - bdcburma | Rediger
Burma: Verdenssamfunnet må være informert
Burma Democratic Bekymring (BDC) i dag kaller for det internasjonale samfunnet til å stå ved den undertrykte befolkningen i Burma.
Burma Democratic Bekymring (BDC) velkommen helhjertet Aung San Suu Kyi ledet National League for Democracy (NLD) 's enstemmige vedtak 29. mars 2010, ikke å re-registrere deg for å bestride juntaens planlagt humbug 2010 valget spillet plan som skal legitimere militære styre i Burma.
Selve militære regimet holdt valget i 1990 lovet at de vil overføre makt til valget wining partiet. Aung San Suu Kyi ledet National League for Democracy (NLD) vant overveldende seier.
Juntaen lov No.14/89, "Pyithu Hluttaw Election Law, sier tydelig i kapittel 3 § 3 at" Hluttaw (forsamling) skal være dannet med Hluttaw representanter som er valgt.
I stedet for å hedre 1990 valgresultatet, juntaen satte Aung San Suu Kyi i husarrest og undertrykke på dissidenter intensivert. I løpet av deres terrorregime, er befolkningen i Burma lider enormt. Junta aldri nøle med å bruke brutal makt for å undertrykke alle som motarbeider deres illegitime regelen.
Aung San Suu Kyi offisielt sa en gang at "at resultatene av 1990 General Valg må iverksettes er et vedtak allerede er tatt av FN. Vi vet allerede at Generalforsamlingen i FN har akseptert ideen om at viljen til folk har kommet til uttrykk i 1990 General Valg. Dette er noe vi ikke kan forlate. Det vil være til skade for landet vårt hvis etter et valg er holdt resultatene ikke er innfridd, og vi ikke motstå forsøk på å bagatellisere det ".
Aung San Suu Kyi bekreftet igjen viktigheten av implementering 1990 valgresultat og nødvendige praktiske tiltak tatt av internasjonale samfunnet ved å si "Siden 1992 har FNs generalforsamling vært passerer resolusjoner om menneskerettighetssituasjonen i Burma. Men oppløsning er ikke nok. Resolusjoner skal være implementert. Vi synes det er på tide at det internasjonale samfunnet tok en større interesse i å få forhold til vedtak implementert ".
Hva er hensikten FN står for hvis den ikke kan ta effektive tiltak avgjørende heller enn å spille inn juntaens hender? Vi ønsker ikke å se UNSC handling er blitt deaktivert på grunn av Kina eller Russland myndigheter (mulig) bruk av veto når Burma krise er på bordet. Nå folk er å finne måter å by-pass Kina eller Russland regjeringenes blokkeringen på UNSC.
Vi tror at hvis internasjonale myndigheter anerkjenner folkets leder som den legitime regjeringen i stedet for juntaen, vil det være effektivt og unngår derved UNSC så vel som av-bestått Kina eller Russland regjeringenes mulig bruk av veto i UNSC siden de ikke kan påvirke enkelte land å ta beslutninger uavhengig av hverandre.
Burma Democratic Bekymring (BDC) ønsker å gi klar beskjed til verdens ledere at:
1. National League for Democracy (NLD), enstemmige seierherre i 1990 valget, står fast på "Shew-Gone-Daing" erklæring som alle fire viktigste prinsippene er like viktige som må til sted for å få oppfylt nasjonal forsoning dvs. å løslate alle politiske innsatte, skal finne sted ekte dialog, til å revidere 2008 grunnlov og å anerkjenne 1990 valgresultatet.
2. Den 29. mars 2010, Aung San Suu Kyi ga henne står klart ved å si "Hun aksepterer ikke 2008 grunnlov, gjør hun ikke akseptere juntaens urettferdig og udemokratisk Politiske Parti Registrering Lover og hun opprettholder den" Shwe-Gone-Daing "Declaration .
3. All den undertrykte befolkningen i Burma står fast på å opprettholde den "Shwe-Gone-Daing" erklæringen og enstemmig følge ledelse av Aung San Suu Kyi.
4. Nå er folk rundt om i verden ringer for Aung San Suu Kyi ledet "Interim Government".
5. Burmesisk folk vil ha internasjonale myndigheter til å støtte "Aung San Suu Kyi ledet interimregjeringen" som den legitime regjeringen i Burma dersom en skal formes som er effektivt og unngår derved mulig bruk av veto fra Kina eller Russland på UNSC.
Rollen til verdens borgere har blitt viktigere enn noensinne for demokratisering av Burma. Alle kan delta og verdens ledere må informeres om den ekte ønske om burmesiske folk.
Vennligst skriv brevet, e-post, faks, og / eller telefonen regjeringen at de bør være klar til å godkjenne "Aung San Suu Kyi ledet interimregjeringen" som den legitime regjeringen i Burma dersom en skal formes.
Du kan få adressen til UNGA medlemslandene på http://www.un.org/en/members og du kan få smake på brevet http://bdcburma.org/Statements.asp?Id=84
For mer informasjon kontakt Burma Democratic Bekymring (BDC) på 00-44-208 4939 137 eller 00-44-787 7882 386.
Du kan også kontakte oss via e-post på bdcburma@yahoo.com
Postet i Uncategorized. Tags: Burma, Burma valget, Burma nyheter, burmesisk nyheter. Legg igjen en kommentar »
Burma Rally på UN / Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza - Amnesty International
7 april 2010 - bdcburma | Rediger
2010 hendelse flyveren
Postet i Uncategorized. Legg igjen en kommentar »
Burma Refugee Organisasjon gir husly, utdanning og mer for gruppe
7 april 2010 - bdcburma | Rediger
Langt fra den politisk ustabile moderlandet, er Myanmars søker tilflukt på våre bredder.
Postene for FNs høykommissær (UNHCR) viser at det er 82400 flyktninger og asylsøkere i Malaysia i februar i år.
Om 76200 av dem er fra Burma, bestående av noen 37600 chins, 18200 Rohingyas, 5100 Myanmar muslimer, 3500 Mon, 3200 Kachins og andre etniske minoriteter, inkludert Burma.
Peiling tydeleg preg av undertrykkelse, har de slo seg ned i ulike deler av landet.
En gruppe Myanmar statsborgere ringer en township 30 minutter fra Kuala Lumpur sine hjem, til det er trygt å returnere til hjemlandet.
De fleste av dem leie enheter over shoplots og arbeider i fabrikker, butikker og restauranter i nærheten til å brødfø seg selv.
Veiledning: Moe Moe Khing (midten) hjelper to Myanmar barna med leksene sine.
Vi klatret to trapper i en kommersiell mye og kommet fram til en enhet med tre bokstaver - BRO - festet til døren.
Bak døren, var noen få menn samlet foran en liten tv mens to tenåringer surfet på Internett i et utent rom.
På veggen var en collage av bilder som viser Myanmar flyktninger deltar på foredrag, kulturelle og religiøse aktiviteter, og også, forbausende, bilder av den døde som lå i kister.
BRO, som står for Burma Refugee Organisasjon, ble startet Jan 1, 2006 av U Maung HLA.
Den 58 år gamle flyktet sitt land, og ankom i Malaysia i 1997.
Etter å ha blitt fengslet tre ganger for å ta del i en demonstrasjon foran ambassaden Myanmar, etablerte han organisasjonen til å hjelpe sine landsmenn.
"Det var mange grupper for de andre ethnics, som Chin, kachin og Shan, men det var ingen for burmesiske (også en av de ethnics). Jeg hadde ingen å henvende seg til for å få hjelp.
«Når jeg setter opp BRO, gjorde jeg sikker på at jeg ikke diskriminerer basert på etniske grupper og religion. Min dør er åpen for alle som trenger hjelp, sier han.
Dyktige: Nang Seng Khan tjener ekstra inntekt ved å sette henne søm ferdigheter til god bruk.
Nå i sitt femte driftsår, BRO har omlag 17.000 medlemmer i Peninsular Malaysia.
Maung HLA sa han jobbet tett med UNHCR å hjelpe Myanmar flyktninger i Malaysia.
"Jeg svarer på anrop fra politistasjoner og sykehus, når Myanmar statsborgere blir internert eller sendt til sykehus for behandling.
"Jeg vil da i samarbeid med UNHCR for å få fangene løslatt, og noen ganger har jeg til å gjøre begravelsen ordninger for de som har dødd, sier han.
Maung HLA reiser to ganger i måneden for å møte BRO medlemmer i andre stater. Når han treffer veien, tar han langs små beholdere av stekt biff sylte, stekt reker sylte, stekt tørket fisk med ham å selge til dem som lengter etter en smak av hjemme.
Disse produktene er laget av kvinnelige medlemmer i en annen enhet, som også doblet som deres hjem.
Maung HLA kone, Moe Moe Khing, 39, som er ansvarlig for kvinners og barns del, sier BRO fått midler fra UNHCR å starte denne lille prosjektet.
"Kvinnene har noe å gjøre for å okkupere sin tid mens den fortjeneste opptjent blir kanalisert tilbake til helse og utdanning fondet, sa hun.
I denne enheten pyntet med plakater og kalendere bærer portretter av pro-demokrati leder Aung San Suu Kyi, innbyggerne forberede måltider for rundt 50 studenter som studerer i motsatt enheten i samme etasje.
Barna, i alderen mellom fem og 17, har ikke et åpent felt for å spille av eller en kantine for å kjøpe godbiter og stekt kylling.
Denne lille enheten, utstyrt med grunnleggende møbler, er der de lærer engelsk, matematikk, vitenskap og Computer ferdigheter for en månedlig avgift på RM40.
Etter fire år i landsbyen, sier Maung HLA BRO hadde etablert vennskapelig bånd med lokalbefolkningen.
«Jeg forklarte vår situasjon for dem og de forstår. Noen av dem ba oss om å holde et øye med sine butikker når de er borte, sier han.
Samtidig, er BRO medlemmer får beskjed om å respektere lokale skikker og avstå fra laster.
Moe Moe la til: «Jeg fortalte dem vi er i et fremmed land sammen så ikke bekjempe hverandre."
Den Myanmar statsborgere bare holde BRO-medlem kort midlertidig inntil de registrerer med UNHCR og få flyktninger identitetskort.
Maung HLA sa han hadde stoppet harping på politiske saker og fokusert strengt på sosial velferd.
"Hver dag når jeg åpner øynene, tenker jeg på hvordan de kan hjelpe folk, sier han.
7 april 2010 - bdcburma | Rediger
Burma: Verdenssamfunnet må være informert
Burma Democratic Bekymring (BDC) i dag kaller for det internasjonale samfunnet til å stå ved den undertrykte befolkningen i Burma.
Burma Democratic Bekymring (BDC) velkommen helhjertet Aung San Suu Kyi ledet National League for Democracy (NLD) 's enstemmige vedtak 29. mars 2010, ikke å re-registrere deg for å bestride juntaens planlagt humbug 2010 valget spillet plan som skal legitimere militære styre i Burma.
Selve militære regimet holdt valget i 1990 lovet at de vil overføre makt til valget wining partiet. Aung San Suu Kyi ledet National League for Democracy (NLD) vant overveldende seier.
Juntaen lov No.14/89, "Pyithu Hluttaw Election Law, sier tydelig i kapittel 3 § 3 at" Hluttaw (forsamling) skal være dannet med Hluttaw representanter som er valgt.
I stedet for å hedre 1990 valgresultatet, juntaen satte Aung San Suu Kyi i husarrest og undertrykke på dissidenter intensivert. I løpet av deres terrorregime, er befolkningen i Burma lider enormt. Junta aldri nøle med å bruke brutal makt for å undertrykke alle som motarbeider deres illegitime regelen.
Aung San Suu Kyi offisielt sa en gang at "at resultatene av 1990 General Valg må iverksettes er et vedtak allerede er tatt av FN. Vi vet allerede at Generalforsamlingen i FN har akseptert ideen om at viljen til folk har kommet til uttrykk i 1990 General Valg. Dette er noe vi ikke kan forlate. Det vil være til skade for landet vårt hvis etter et valg er holdt resultatene ikke er innfridd, og vi ikke motstå forsøk på å bagatellisere det ".
Aung San Suu Kyi bekreftet igjen viktigheten av implementering 1990 valgresultat og nødvendige praktiske tiltak tatt av internasjonale samfunnet ved å si "Siden 1992 har FNs generalforsamling vært passerer resolusjoner om menneskerettighetssituasjonen i Burma. Men oppløsning er ikke nok. Resolusjoner skal være implementert. Vi synes det er på tide at det internasjonale samfunnet tok en større interesse i å få forhold til vedtak implementert ".
Hva er hensikten FN står for hvis den ikke kan ta effektive tiltak avgjørende heller enn å spille inn juntaens hender? Vi ønsker ikke å se UNSC handling er blitt deaktivert på grunn av Kina eller Russland myndigheter (mulig) bruk av veto når Burma krise er på bordet. Nå folk er å finne måter å by-pass Kina eller Russland regjeringenes blokkeringen på UNSC.
Vi tror at hvis internasjonale myndigheter anerkjenner folkets leder som den legitime regjeringen i stedet for juntaen, vil det være effektivt og unngår derved UNSC så vel som av-bestått Kina eller Russland regjeringenes mulig bruk av veto i UNSC siden de ikke kan påvirke enkelte land å ta beslutninger uavhengig av hverandre.
Burma Democratic Bekymring (BDC) ønsker å gi klar beskjed til verdens ledere at:
1. National League for Democracy (NLD), enstemmige seierherre i 1990 valget, står fast på "Shew-Gone-Daing" erklæring som alle fire viktigste prinsippene er like viktige som må til sted for å få oppfylt nasjonal forsoning dvs. å løslate alle politiske innsatte, skal finne sted ekte dialog, til å revidere 2008 grunnlov og å anerkjenne 1990 valgresultatet.
2. Den 29. mars 2010, Aung San Suu Kyi ga henne står klart ved å si "Hun aksepterer ikke 2008 grunnlov, gjør hun ikke akseptere juntaens urettferdig og udemokratisk Politiske Parti Registrering Lover og hun opprettholder den" Shwe-Gone-Daing "Declaration .
3. All den undertrykte befolkningen i Burma står fast på å opprettholde den "Shwe-Gone-Daing" erklæringen og enstemmig følge ledelse av Aung San Suu Kyi.
4. Nå er folk rundt om i verden ringer for Aung San Suu Kyi ledet "Interim Government".
5. Burmesisk folk vil ha internasjonale myndigheter til å støtte "Aung San Suu Kyi ledet interimregjeringen" som den legitime regjeringen i Burma dersom en skal formes som er effektivt og unngår derved mulig bruk av veto fra Kina eller Russland på UNSC.
Rollen til verdens borgere har blitt viktigere enn noensinne for demokratisering av Burma. Alle kan delta og verdens ledere må informeres om den ekte ønske om burmesiske folk.
Vennligst skriv brevet, e-post, faks, og / eller telefonen regjeringen at de bør være klar til å godkjenne "Aung San Suu Kyi ledet interimregjeringen" som den legitime regjeringen i Burma dersom en skal formes.
Du kan få adressen til UNGA medlemslandene på http://www.un.org/en/members og du kan få smake på brevet http://bdcburma.org/Statements.asp?Id=84
For mer informasjon kontakt Burma Democratic Bekymring (BDC) på 00-44-208 4939 137 eller 00-44-787 7882 386.
Du kan også kontakte oss via e-post på bdcburma@yahoo.com
Postet i Uncategorized. Tags: Burma, Burma valget, Burma nyheter, burmesisk nyheter. Legg igjen en kommentar »
Burma Rally på UN / Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza - Amnesty International
7 april 2010 - bdcburma | Rediger
2010 hendelse flyveren
Postet i Uncategorized. Legg igjen en kommentar »
Burma Refugee Organisasjon gir husly, utdanning og mer for gruppe
7 april 2010 - bdcburma | Rediger
Langt fra den politisk ustabile moderlandet, er Myanmars søker tilflukt på våre bredder.
Postene for FNs høykommissær (UNHCR) viser at det er 82400 flyktninger og asylsøkere i Malaysia i februar i år.
Om 76200 av dem er fra Burma, bestående av noen 37600 chins, 18200 Rohingyas, 5100 Myanmar muslimer, 3500 Mon, 3200 Kachins og andre etniske minoriteter, inkludert Burma.
Peiling tydeleg preg av undertrykkelse, har de slo seg ned i ulike deler av landet.
En gruppe Myanmar statsborgere ringer en township 30 minutter fra Kuala Lumpur sine hjem, til det er trygt å returnere til hjemlandet.
De fleste av dem leie enheter over shoplots og arbeider i fabrikker, butikker og restauranter i nærheten til å brødfø seg selv.
Veiledning: Moe Moe Khing (midten) hjelper to Myanmar barna med leksene sine.
Vi klatret to trapper i en kommersiell mye og kommet fram til en enhet med tre bokstaver - BRO - festet til døren.
Bak døren, var noen få menn samlet foran en liten tv mens to tenåringer surfet på Internett i et utent rom.
På veggen var en collage av bilder som viser Myanmar flyktninger deltar på foredrag, kulturelle og religiøse aktiviteter, og også, forbausende, bilder av den døde som lå i kister.
BRO, som står for Burma Refugee Organisasjon, ble startet Jan 1, 2006 av U Maung HLA.
Den 58 år gamle flyktet sitt land, og ankom i Malaysia i 1997.
Etter å ha blitt fengslet tre ganger for å ta del i en demonstrasjon foran ambassaden Myanmar, etablerte han organisasjonen til å hjelpe sine landsmenn.
"Det var mange grupper for de andre ethnics, som Chin, kachin og Shan, men det var ingen for burmesiske (også en av de ethnics). Jeg hadde ingen å henvende seg til for å få hjelp.
«Når jeg setter opp BRO, gjorde jeg sikker på at jeg ikke diskriminerer basert på etniske grupper og religion. Min dør er åpen for alle som trenger hjelp, sier han.
Dyktige: Nang Seng Khan tjener ekstra inntekt ved å sette henne søm ferdigheter til god bruk.
Nå i sitt femte driftsår, BRO har omlag 17.000 medlemmer i Peninsular Malaysia.
Maung HLA sa han jobbet tett med UNHCR å hjelpe Myanmar flyktninger i Malaysia.
"Jeg svarer på anrop fra politistasjoner og sykehus, når Myanmar statsborgere blir internert eller sendt til sykehus for behandling.
"Jeg vil da i samarbeid med UNHCR for å få fangene løslatt, og noen ganger har jeg til å gjøre begravelsen ordninger for de som har dødd, sier han.
Maung HLA reiser to ganger i måneden for å møte BRO medlemmer i andre stater. Når han treffer veien, tar han langs små beholdere av stekt biff sylte, stekt reker sylte, stekt tørket fisk med ham å selge til dem som lengter etter en smak av hjemme.
Disse produktene er laget av kvinnelige medlemmer i en annen enhet, som også doblet som deres hjem.
Maung HLA kone, Moe Moe Khing, 39, som er ansvarlig for kvinners og barns del, sier BRO fått midler fra UNHCR å starte denne lille prosjektet.
"Kvinnene har noe å gjøre for å okkupere sin tid mens den fortjeneste opptjent blir kanalisert tilbake til helse og utdanning fondet, sa hun.
I denne enheten pyntet med plakater og kalendere bærer portretter av pro-demokrati leder Aung San Suu Kyi, innbyggerne forberede måltider for rundt 50 studenter som studerer i motsatt enheten i samme etasje.
Barna, i alderen mellom fem og 17, har ikke et åpent felt for å spille av eller en kantine for å kjøpe godbiter og stekt kylling.
Denne lille enheten, utstyrt med grunnleggende møbler, er der de lærer engelsk, matematikk, vitenskap og Computer ferdigheter for en månedlig avgift på RM40.
Etter fire år i landsbyen, sier Maung HLA BRO hadde etablert vennskapelig bånd med lokalbefolkningen.
«Jeg forklarte vår situasjon for dem og de forstår. Noen av dem ba oss om å holde et øye med sine butikker når de er borte, sier han.
Samtidig, er BRO medlemmer får beskjed om å respektere lokale skikker og avstå fra laster.
Moe Moe la til: «Jeg fortalte dem vi er i et fremmed land sammen så ikke bekjempe hverandre."
Den Myanmar statsborgere bare holde BRO-medlem kort midlertidig inntil de registrerer med UNHCR og få flyktninger identitetskort.
Maung HLA sa han hadde stoppet harping på politiske saker og fokusert strengt på sosial velferd.
"Hver dag når jeg åpner øynene, tenker jeg på hvordan de kan hjelpe folk, sier han.
Monday, 5 April 2010
Burma: We want Aung San Suu Kyi led Interim Government
Burmese people are calling for Aung San Suu Kyi led "Interim Government" now.
Sunday, 4 April 2010
Burma Brave Heroes Photos
They are meeting for betterment of our motherland. Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) http://www.bdcburma.org salutes all the brave heroes of Burma. You can see the photos at http://bdcburma.wordpress.com
U Win Tin: ‘We will still be here’
Published: 30 March 2010
In an historic move yesterday, Burma’s main opposition party, the National League for Democracy (NLD), voted against registering for elections this year. Under recently announced Burmese laws, the decision means that the party headed by Aung San Suu Kyi will be legally abolished and no longer able to officially operate within the country’s political arena. Had the party agreed to register, however, Suu Kyi would have been expelled and the NLD would be forced to accept the controversial 2008 constitution.
Senior NLD member U Win Tin, who spent 19 years in prison for his political activities, tells DVB that the decision will allow the party to move around among the people more and “do things it hasn’t been able to do for 20 years”.
What is mood like within the NLD following yesterday’s decision?
Well Daw Aung San Suu Kyi sent a letter to the conference yesterday and in that she said that we will never accept this constitution and register under these unjust laws; we will never destroy the party by laws. That means that our party and its politics will still exist in our mind. So after the conference yesterday, the mood of the leaders from all over the country was one of high elation and they are quite happy because although we know that we are marginalised and our party cannot exist, we are going to go around the country and work for the people.
There is obviously concern about the future of your party. Where will you go from here?
Of course we are no more a legal organisation, but we will still be here. We will operate in four spheres of politics: first, we still have many organisations across the country and many party members so we will keep our solidarity and move around within the sphere of the NLD itself. Second, we will work with other democratic and minority forces because nowadays we have good relations with these groups. Third, we have a very good relationship with the EU, UN, US and ASEAN, as well as foreign media, and we will keep that relationship with the international community. Lastly, we have to work for the people. For the last 20 years it was bad; we really couldn’t any good for the people because of the oppression by the government. So now that we can no longer organise as a political party, we will move around the people and find out what we can do to help them, and this is something we haven’t been able to do much in the last 20 years.
The other factor is Daw Aung San Suu Kyi – she is the only figurehead that can solve the problems of Burma so the international community must pressure the junta to open communication with her and create dialogue between her and Than Shwe. Even though she cannot operate as a politician, she has the trust of the people and the international community so she will remain a great force within Burmese politics and we will stand by her.
With Suu Kyi under house arrest and barred from politics, do you feel the NLD needs an alternative to her leadership?
There are very few people who can reach the status of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, but now we have many young activists such as Min Ko Naing and Ko Ko Gyi [88 Generation Student leaders] who are growing mature and if the people support them they can become important political figures in the future. They are not an alternative to Daw Aung San Suu Kyi but they will have some political influence. Also general Tin Oo [NLD vice-chairman] is quite popular among the people and his support base is strong and his politics are good. So we are not disheartened by the lack of leadership, because Daw Aung San Suu Kyi will be living long and there are many young people and forces whom we can join together with.
You said recently that the international needs to combine action with its words. How should it now approach Burma?
[International leaders] should listen to Ban Ki-moon who said that the international community should respect the decision of the NLD not to register; that is very important. If they think we got the wrong resolution that lessens Burma’s chances of democratic change then we will have less support from the international community, but we need stronger international support. Even China is changing its mind about this junta because they failed to create political change and China wants this in Burma; at least in a nominal way.
Is there a time in the future when the NLD will unite with ethnic political groups and armies?
Yes of course. The NLD is the only political force which has a strong relationship with minority political groups. Up to this day we have a committee and we work together [with them]. We have trust among national political forces; of course we cannot send envoys out the mountains and the north of the country but we still have a good relationship with different nationalities, and they trust Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. This is the second sphere I talked about. We also expect to see some changes within the army because nowadays there isn’t a very good mood within it; they realise that they cannot go on for long with this junta. I think within this year there will be changes because of the transformation to the sham democracy and because the army leadership is getting old, and the living standard for troops is poor. If these changes do occur, then the army will rely more on political forces, such as the NLD.
Burma looks set to enter a new era of military rule. What can you say to people who might be losing hope of democratic change in the country?
People are tired of this dictatorial rule and they hope for some change. Their economic situation is worse and their day-to-day life is hard, so they naturally expect some sort of democratic change. I think there will be a big reaction from the international community if there are no traces of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi or the NLD participating in the political process, but with issues such as the Border Guard Force and growing international pressure, the army will grow harder and there will be harder rule under the guise of a democratic parliament. So I don’t think people can expect democratic change soon.
Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) is re-posting the news articles from various news agencies so as to promote the political development of Burma. You can also visit Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) at http://www.bdcburma.org/
Published: 30 March 2010
In an historic move yesterday, Burma’s main opposition party, the National League for Democracy (NLD), voted against registering for elections this year. Under recently announced Burmese laws, the decision means that the party headed by Aung San Suu Kyi will be legally abolished and no longer able to officially operate within the country’s political arena. Had the party agreed to register, however, Suu Kyi would have been expelled and the NLD would be forced to accept the controversial 2008 constitution.
Senior NLD member U Win Tin, who spent 19 years in prison for his political activities, tells DVB that the decision will allow the party to move around among the people more and “do things it hasn’t been able to do for 20 years”.
What is mood like within the NLD following yesterday’s decision?
Well Daw Aung San Suu Kyi sent a letter to the conference yesterday and in that she said that we will never accept this constitution and register under these unjust laws; we will never destroy the party by laws. That means that our party and its politics will still exist in our mind. So after the conference yesterday, the mood of the leaders from all over the country was one of high elation and they are quite happy because although we know that we are marginalised and our party cannot exist, we are going to go around the country and work for the people.
There is obviously concern about the future of your party. Where will you go from here?
Of course we are no more a legal organisation, but we will still be here. We will operate in four spheres of politics: first, we still have many organisations across the country and many party members so we will keep our solidarity and move around within the sphere of the NLD itself. Second, we will work with other democratic and minority forces because nowadays we have good relations with these groups. Third, we have a very good relationship with the EU, UN, US and ASEAN, as well as foreign media, and we will keep that relationship with the international community. Lastly, we have to work for the people. For the last 20 years it was bad; we really couldn’t any good for the people because of the oppression by the government. So now that we can no longer organise as a political party, we will move around the people and find out what we can do to help them, and this is something we haven’t been able to do much in the last 20 years.
The other factor is Daw Aung San Suu Kyi – she is the only figurehead that can solve the problems of Burma so the international community must pressure the junta to open communication with her and create dialogue between her and Than Shwe. Even though she cannot operate as a politician, she has the trust of the people and the international community so she will remain a great force within Burmese politics and we will stand by her.
With Suu Kyi under house arrest and barred from politics, do you feel the NLD needs an alternative to her leadership?
There are very few people who can reach the status of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, but now we have many young activists such as Min Ko Naing and Ko Ko Gyi [88 Generation Student leaders] who are growing mature and if the people support them they can become important political figures in the future. They are not an alternative to Daw Aung San Suu Kyi but they will have some political influence. Also general Tin Oo [NLD vice-chairman] is quite popular among the people and his support base is strong and his politics are good. So we are not disheartened by the lack of leadership, because Daw Aung San Suu Kyi will be living long and there are many young people and forces whom we can join together with.
You said recently that the international needs to combine action with its words. How should it now approach Burma?
[International leaders] should listen to Ban Ki-moon who said that the international community should respect the decision of the NLD not to register; that is very important. If they think we got the wrong resolution that lessens Burma’s chances of democratic change then we will have less support from the international community, but we need stronger international support. Even China is changing its mind about this junta because they failed to create political change and China wants this in Burma; at least in a nominal way.
Is there a time in the future when the NLD will unite with ethnic political groups and armies?
Yes of course. The NLD is the only political force which has a strong relationship with minority political groups. Up to this day we have a committee and we work together [with them]. We have trust among national political forces; of course we cannot send envoys out the mountains and the north of the country but we still have a good relationship with different nationalities, and they trust Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. This is the second sphere I talked about. We also expect to see some changes within the army because nowadays there isn’t a very good mood within it; they realise that they cannot go on for long with this junta. I think within this year there will be changes because of the transformation to the sham democracy and because the army leadership is getting old, and the living standard for troops is poor. If these changes do occur, then the army will rely more on political forces, such as the NLD.
Burma looks set to enter a new era of military rule. What can you say to people who might be losing hope of democratic change in the country?
People are tired of this dictatorial rule and they hope for some change. Their economic situation is worse and their day-to-day life is hard, so they naturally expect some sort of democratic change. I think there will be a big reaction from the international community if there are no traces of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi or the NLD participating in the political process, but with issues such as the Border Guard Force and growing international pressure, the army will grow harder and there will be harder rule under the guise of a democratic parliament. So I don’t think people can expect democratic change soon.
Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) is re-posting the news articles from various news agencies so as to promote the political development of Burma. You can also visit Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) at http://www.bdcburma.org/
Saturday, 3 April 2010
'The Regime is a Political Rapist': Win Tin
Win Tin, a leading member of Burma's main opposition party, the National League for Democracy (NLD), likened the country's ruling regime to “a political rapist” intent on destroying the party that has led the pro-democracy movement for the past two decades.
“They want to strip us of our 1990 election victory so that we are like a 20-year-old girl, naked and exposed. We cannot allow ourselves to be raped,” he said in an interview with The Irrawaddy, explaining why the party chose not to contest this year's election.
The outspoken critic of the junta said that the NLD wanted the regime to re-open a dialogue with detained leader Aung San Suu Kyi and review the Constitution. But he added that the chances of this happening were very slim.
He also admitted that he and several other NLD leaders were naive to believe that the regime would introduce election laws that were flexible enough to allow the party to participate in the new polls.
“The election laws made it very clear that the regime doesn’t want Daw Aung San Suu Kyi or the NLD to have any part in the election,” he said.
The NLD decided last Monday that it would not participate in the election because it was required under a new party registration law to expel Suu Kyi and other members serving prison sentences. The party now faces dissolution for refusing to register for the election.
Win Tin said that the NLD leaders will ponder their next move at a meeting next Monday. He also stressed that the party is counting on the international community to send a strong message to the regime that its handling of the election is unacceptable.
“We know that they have limited power [to influence Burma’s political situation], but we want them to react and show that they know what’s really happening here,” he said.
The US and the UN expressed regret last week that the NLD was forced to make a decision that now jeopardizes the party's continued existence, but blamed the move on the Burmese regime's draconian election laws.
Meanwhile, Thai Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya said earlier this week that “[the NLD] have every freedom to decide on their own affairs. So I honor and I respect [their] decision.”
On Wednesday, Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa visited Burma and told his Burmese counterpart in Naypyidaw that Jakarta expected the regime to “uphold its commitment to have an election that allows all parties to take part.”
Win Tin said that NLD leaders wanted to see more reaction from the region and beyond. “We want China, India and the European nations to speak up,” he said.
“They want to strip us of our 1990 election victory so that we are like a 20-year-old girl, naked and exposed. We cannot allow ourselves to be raped,” he said in an interview with The Irrawaddy, explaining why the party chose not to contest this year's election.
The outspoken critic of the junta said that the NLD wanted the regime to re-open a dialogue with detained leader Aung San Suu Kyi and review the Constitution. But he added that the chances of this happening were very slim.
He also admitted that he and several other NLD leaders were naive to believe that the regime would introduce election laws that were flexible enough to allow the party to participate in the new polls.
“The election laws made it very clear that the regime doesn’t want Daw Aung San Suu Kyi or the NLD to have any part in the election,” he said.
The NLD decided last Monday that it would not participate in the election because it was required under a new party registration law to expel Suu Kyi and other members serving prison sentences. The party now faces dissolution for refusing to register for the election.
Win Tin said that the NLD leaders will ponder their next move at a meeting next Monday. He also stressed that the party is counting on the international community to send a strong message to the regime that its handling of the election is unacceptable.
“We know that they have limited power [to influence Burma’s political situation], but we want them to react and show that they know what’s really happening here,” he said.
The US and the UN expressed regret last week that the NLD was forced to make a decision that now jeopardizes the party's continued existence, but blamed the move on the Burmese regime's draconian election laws.
Meanwhile, Thai Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya said earlier this week that “[the NLD] have every freedom to decide on their own affairs. So I honor and I respect [their] decision.”
On Wednesday, Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa visited Burma and told his Burmese counterpart in Naypyidaw that Jakarta expected the regime to “uphold its commitment to have an election that allows all parties to take part.”
Win Tin said that NLD leaders wanted to see more reaction from the region and beyond. “We want China, India and the European nations to speak up,” he said.
Burma: All about junta made crisis
Burma gained independence from the Britain on 4 January 1948. It shares the border with China, Laos, Thailand, Bangladesh, and India. The military has dominated government since General Ne Win led a coup in 1962 to 1988, first as military ruler, then as self-appointed president, and later as political kingpin. In 1988, student led the uprising and eventually managed to topple the one party rule led by General Ne Win. Another military came to power and gun down more than 3000 protesters. Due to the increase domestic and international pressure, junta promised to hold the election. In 1990, National League for Democracy (NLD) led by Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, daughter of the Burma’s independence architect Gen. Aung San - won a landslide victory. The ruling junta refused to hand over power and instead put NLD leader and Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Aung San Suu Kyi, under house arrest.
The people of Burma have been suffering under one of the world's most brutal and repressive regime. The military regime uses murder, torture, rape, political imprisonment and forced labour as practices for ruling the citizens of Burma. Freedom of expression and freedom of association are non-existent and Burmese citizens are denied any state in the shaping of their future.
Burma's economic crisis continues to deepen under military rule. People earn on a wage of around $1 a day. Unemployment is rising dramatically every month while prices of consumer goods are escalating out of control. And the value of the local kyat on the informal market continues to stumble. Living standards of many Burmese are declining rapidly. One child in three under the age of five is already suffering from malnutrition, less than 50 per cent of children will complete five years of education according to UN reports.
In Burma, people face complete lack of access to basic social services such as health services, and water sanitation. Under the military generals, poverty has soared and corruption is growing. Burma spends less than $3 per person per year on health and education – well below the World Health Organization recommended level of $40 per person. The economic crisis and instability in Burma is driving waves of Burmese children into hard labour, begging and the sex trade. Burma is in the midst of a health and educational crisis.
The military maintains an extensive network of Military Intelligence (MI), informers, police, militias such as Swan-Arr-Shin and Union Solidarity and Development Association (USDA) members, ready to arrest anyone suspected of holding or expressing anti-government opinions in Burma. Laws have been established that criminalize freedom of thought, expression, association, assembly and movement, thus legitimizing these arbitrary arrests and continued to arbitrarily detain people across Burma for associating with opposition groups. These types of detentions occurred commonly and in most cases individuals alleged of such illegal association were detained, interrogated and many were tortured, without warrant, charge or trial.
The military maintained complete control over the legal system and remained unbound by any legislation or constitutional provision for a fair trial, due process of law or any other rights. Military government denies basic rights to due process of law, a fair and public trial in political cases. No trials of political prisoners were open to the public, and in many cases reported details of the case were not even available to the defendant's family; such as the reason for arrest, sentencing or location of the person detained.
Frequently the detainee is not informed under which section or article he or she is being detained. In addition, detainees rarely have access to legal counsel or the opportunity to obtain release on bail. The accused may be held for lengthy periods of time without any communication. Trials for political detainees are normally held in courtrooms on prison compounds, in a "special court", and defendants are given little chance to speak, are ignored when they do make statements and certainly are not permitted to properly defend themselves. Even after being charged, political prisoners are still denied the right to proper legal counsel.
Prisons in Burma are places where human rights violations and brutality are everyday realities. Abuses include prolonged shackling, torture, lack of proper medical care and insufficient food. Political prisoners face cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment in the prisons, or in detention centres. They also face torture after arrest and during interrogation so as to punish them and to force them to cooperate with interrogators. Political prisoners face both physical and emotional torture, often during long-lasting periods of detention after the initial arrest while they are isolated.
Children under the age of 18 are about 40% of Burma population. The military junta does not consider children’s development and welfare as a priority and used almost half of the state budget is spent to the arm, leaving very little for the vital education and health care systems. Decades of military mismanagement of the economy has resulted in an appalling economic situation and is forcing the vast majority of parents to rely on the contribution of their children working in order to feed their families.
The worst forms of child labour can be seen in Burma –in the army, the construction industry, domestic work, and the mines or in different places. Children are by no means exempt from the forced labour imposed on hundreds of thousands of the Burmese population by military. Moreover, the military continues to forcibly recruit children into the army, some as young as eleven years old. There are 70, 000 children in the army and largest child soldiers in the world. Military forced young girls to serve as porters and sometimes rape and used them as sexual slaves.
The Burmese government spends seven times less on education than on the armed forces. Since 1990, government expenditure on civilian education has dropped by 70 percent, and the most recent statistics indicate that spending on education is currently equivalent to less than 1% of the GDP. According to World Bank figures, Burma’s military government spends only $0.28 per year for every child in a public school.
Following a sharp increase of fuel prices on August 15, 2007, prodemocracy groups led by students began a series of peaceful marches and demonstrations to protest the failing economic situation in Burma. The regime immediately responded by arbitrarily detaining prodemocracy activists. As popular dissatisfaction spread, Buddhist monks began leading peaceful marches together with public and the regime violently crackdown by shooting, beating and arresting thousands of monks, prodemocracy activists, onlookers and killing dozens. Currently, there are more than 2000 political prisoners in Burma and regime continues to arrest democratic dissident, torture and sentence to prison.
In Burma, power is centred on the ruling junta--the State Peace and Development Council, or SPDC--which maintains strict authoritarian rule over the people of Burma. Control is maintained through intimidation, the strict censuring of information, repression of individual rights, and suppression of ethnic minority groups. To avoid doing genuine dialogue with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, the regime is using one of the delaying tactics- buying times. They are waiting for another crisis happen in another part of the world and if the crisis happens, the attention on Burma from international community will divert to that crisis and Burma will go back to status quo.
The people of Burma have been suffering under one of the world's most brutal and repressive regime. The military regime uses murder, torture, rape, political imprisonment and forced labour as practices for ruling the citizens of Burma. Freedom of expression and freedom of association are non-existent and Burmese citizens are denied any state in the shaping of their future.
Burma's economic crisis continues to deepen under military rule. People earn on a wage of around $1 a day. Unemployment is rising dramatically every month while prices of consumer goods are escalating out of control. And the value of the local kyat on the informal market continues to stumble. Living standards of many Burmese are declining rapidly. One child in three under the age of five is already suffering from malnutrition, less than 50 per cent of children will complete five years of education according to UN reports.
In Burma, people face complete lack of access to basic social services such as health services, and water sanitation. Under the military generals, poverty has soared and corruption is growing. Burma spends less than $3 per person per year on health and education – well below the World Health Organization recommended level of $40 per person. The economic crisis and instability in Burma is driving waves of Burmese children into hard labour, begging and the sex trade. Burma is in the midst of a health and educational crisis.
The military maintains an extensive network of Military Intelligence (MI), informers, police, militias such as Swan-Arr-Shin and Union Solidarity and Development Association (USDA) members, ready to arrest anyone suspected of holding or expressing anti-government opinions in Burma. Laws have been established that criminalize freedom of thought, expression, association, assembly and movement, thus legitimizing these arbitrary arrests and continued to arbitrarily detain people across Burma for associating with opposition groups. These types of detentions occurred commonly and in most cases individuals alleged of such illegal association were detained, interrogated and many were tortured, without warrant, charge or trial.
The military maintained complete control over the legal system and remained unbound by any legislation or constitutional provision for a fair trial, due process of law or any other rights. Military government denies basic rights to due process of law, a fair and public trial in political cases. No trials of political prisoners were open to the public, and in many cases reported details of the case were not even available to the defendant's family; such as the reason for arrest, sentencing or location of the person detained.
Frequently the detainee is not informed under which section or article he or she is being detained. In addition, detainees rarely have access to legal counsel or the opportunity to obtain release on bail. The accused may be held for lengthy periods of time without any communication. Trials for political detainees are normally held in courtrooms on prison compounds, in a "special court", and defendants are given little chance to speak, are ignored when they do make statements and certainly are not permitted to properly defend themselves. Even after being charged, political prisoners are still denied the right to proper legal counsel.
Prisons in Burma are places where human rights violations and brutality are everyday realities. Abuses include prolonged shackling, torture, lack of proper medical care and insufficient food. Political prisoners face cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment in the prisons, or in detention centres. They also face torture after arrest and during interrogation so as to punish them and to force them to cooperate with interrogators. Political prisoners face both physical and emotional torture, often during long-lasting periods of detention after the initial arrest while they are isolated.
Children under the age of 18 are about 40% of Burma population. The military junta does not consider children’s development and welfare as a priority and used almost half of the state budget is spent to the arm, leaving very little for the vital education and health care systems. Decades of military mismanagement of the economy has resulted in an appalling economic situation and is forcing the vast majority of parents to rely on the contribution of their children working in order to feed their families.
The worst forms of child labour can be seen in Burma –in the army, the construction industry, domestic work, and the mines or in different places. Children are by no means exempt from the forced labour imposed on hundreds of thousands of the Burmese population by military. Moreover, the military continues to forcibly recruit children into the army, some as young as eleven years old. There are 70, 000 children in the army and largest child soldiers in the world. Military forced young girls to serve as porters and sometimes rape and used them as sexual slaves.
The Burmese government spends seven times less on education than on the armed forces. Since 1990, government expenditure on civilian education has dropped by 70 percent, and the most recent statistics indicate that spending on education is currently equivalent to less than 1% of the GDP. According to World Bank figures, Burma’s military government spends only $0.28 per year for every child in a public school.
Following a sharp increase of fuel prices on August 15, 2007, prodemocracy groups led by students began a series of peaceful marches and demonstrations to protest the failing economic situation in Burma. The regime immediately responded by arbitrarily detaining prodemocracy activists. As popular dissatisfaction spread, Buddhist monks began leading peaceful marches together with public and the regime violently crackdown by shooting, beating and arresting thousands of monks, prodemocracy activists, onlookers and killing dozens. Currently, there are more than 2000 political prisoners in Burma and regime continues to arrest democratic dissident, torture and sentence to prison.
In Burma, power is centred on the ruling junta--the State Peace and Development Council, or SPDC--which maintains strict authoritarian rule over the people of Burma. Control is maintained through intimidation, the strict censuring of information, repression of individual rights, and suppression of ethnic minority groups. To avoid doing genuine dialogue with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, the regime is using one of the delaying tactics- buying times. They are waiting for another crisis happen in another part of the world and if the crisis happens, the attention on Burma from international community will divert to that crisis and Burma will go back to status quo.
Burma: Our Main Causes
1) Sham 2010 Election (Boycott) (Boycott)
2) Sham 2008 Constitution (Void) (Void)
3) Unjust Electoral Laws (Void) (Void)
4) Military Regime (Out) (Out)
5) 1990 Election Result (Implement) (Implement)
6) Shwe-Gone-Daing Declaration (Implement) (Implement)
7) Aung San Suu Kyi (Our Leader) (Our Leader)
8) Aung San Suu Kyi led Interim Government (Right Now) (Right Now)
9) United Nations Security Council (Take Action On Burma Now)
Aung San Suu Kyi on "Importance of UNITY among the people of Burma"
A nation can progress and prosper only when there is unity, and only when there is a general acceptance among the people that there is justice. So our first care is our people. We want to make sure that our people enjoy security, enjoy freedom and they enjoy the right to advance themselves. (Aung San Suu Kyi, Burma's Elected Legitimate Leader)
For more information please visit Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) at http://www.bdcburma.org
For more information please visit Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) at http://www.bdcburma.org
Burma: Shwe-Gone-Daing Declaration- Our Road Map for Democracy in Burma
Aung San Suu Kyi led National League for Democracy (NLD), unanimous victor of 1990 election, stands firmly on “Shew-Gone-Daing” declaration of which all four main principals are equally important that needs to place in order to have true national reconciliation in Burma, i.e.
To release all political prisoners
To take place genuine dialogue
To revise 2008 constitution
To recognize 1990 election results
For more information please visit Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) at http://www.bdcburma.org/Index.asp
To release all political prisoners
To take place genuine dialogue
To revise 2008 constitution
To recognize 1990 election results
For more information please visit Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) at http://www.bdcburma.org/Index.asp
Burma Democratic Concern (BDC): UNSC must implement “Shwe-Gone-Daing” Declaration
02 April 2010
Aung San Suu Kyi led National League for Democracy (NLD) decided unanimously on 29 March 2010, not to re-register the party to participate in the junta’s planned sham 2010 election due to its unfair electoral laws.
National League for Democracy (NLD), unanimous victor of 1990 election, stands firmly on “Shew-Gone-Daing” declaration of which all four main principals are equally important that needs to place in order to have true national reconciliation in Burma, i.e.
To release all political prisoners
To take place genuine dialogue
To revise 2008 constitution
To recognize 1990 election results
By seeing this decision, legitimate leaders of Burma send the very clear message to the world that they honour the plight of the people who lost their lives in 1988 uprising, 1996 student demonstrations, 1998 student demonstrations, 2003 Depeyin massacre, 2007 Saffron revolution, the victims of 2008 Cyclone Nargis, the plight of ethnics people, the plight of the political prisoners and the plight of all people of Burma who have been suffering at the hands of brutal military regime.It also sends the very strong message that they respect the will of people who voted for them in 1990 election.
This is the time that UN should proven itself that it really can make difference.
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi once said that;
• The results of these elections will remain valid until such time as the Members of Parliament elected in 1990 by the people have had a chance to get together and decide what the next step is going to be. The world has to make certain that the outcome of these elections is honoured.
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi also reaffirm her position on UN that;
• We would like to see the UN standing very firmly by the General Assembly resolution* on Burma and to try to implement the terms of the resolution as quickly as possible. And we would like the whole international community to support the UN and this. (*On November 19, 2002, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution strongly urging the Government of Myanmar “to restore democracy and implement the results of the 1990 election and to ensure [...] without delay into substantive and structured dialogue towards democratisation and national reconciliation [...] to release unconditionally and immediately all political prisoners.”)
Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) calls for world leaders to call for junta to allow convening people’s parliament according to 1990 election result which is tantamount to implementing “Shwe-Gone-Daing” declaration. Human rights abuses and humanitarian crises have been happening in Burma and long overdue to solve. Unite Nation Security Council must take effective practical action on military regime to stop killing its own people, to stop arresting and torturing political dissidents and to press to honour the 1990 election result in which Aung San Suu Kyi’s party win the landslide victory.
We would like to call for the United Nations Security Council to:
declare it won’t recognize junta’s planned 2010 election and its results
declare junta’s sham 2008 constitution as NULL and VOID
declare it will implement “Shwe-Gone-Daing” declaration as the UN road map for democracy in Burma
Aung San Suu Kyi led National League for Democracy (NLD) decided unanimously on 29 March 2010, not to re-register the party to participate in the junta’s planned sham 2010 election due to its unfair electoral laws.
National League for Democracy (NLD), unanimous victor of 1990 election, stands firmly on “Shew-Gone-Daing” declaration of which all four main principals are equally important that needs to place in order to have true national reconciliation in Burma, i.e.
To release all political prisoners
To take place genuine dialogue
To revise 2008 constitution
To recognize 1990 election results
By seeing this decision, legitimate leaders of Burma send the very clear message to the world that they honour the plight of the people who lost their lives in 1988 uprising, 1996 student demonstrations, 1998 student demonstrations, 2003 Depeyin massacre, 2007 Saffron revolution, the victims of 2008 Cyclone Nargis, the plight of ethnics people, the plight of the political prisoners and the plight of all people of Burma who have been suffering at the hands of brutal military regime.It also sends the very strong message that they respect the will of people who voted for them in 1990 election.
This is the time that UN should proven itself that it really can make difference.
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi once said that;
• The results of these elections will remain valid until such time as the Members of Parliament elected in 1990 by the people have had a chance to get together and decide what the next step is going to be. The world has to make certain that the outcome of these elections is honoured.
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi also reaffirm her position on UN that;
• We would like to see the UN standing very firmly by the General Assembly resolution* on Burma and to try to implement the terms of the resolution as quickly as possible. And we would like the whole international community to support the UN and this. (*On November 19, 2002, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution strongly urging the Government of Myanmar “to restore democracy and implement the results of the 1990 election and to ensure [...] without delay into substantive and structured dialogue towards democratisation and national reconciliation [...] to release unconditionally and immediately all political prisoners.”)
Burma Democratic Concern (BDC) calls for world leaders to call for junta to allow convening people’s parliament according to 1990 election result which is tantamount to implementing “Shwe-Gone-Daing” declaration. Human rights abuses and humanitarian crises have been happening in Burma and long overdue to solve. Unite Nation Security Council must take effective practical action on military regime to stop killing its own people, to stop arresting and torturing political dissidents and to press to honour the 1990 election result in which Aung San Suu Kyi’s party win the landslide victory.
We would like to call for the United Nations Security Council to:
declare it won’t recognize junta’s planned 2010 election and its results
declare junta’s sham 2008 constitution as NULL and VOID
declare it will implement “Shwe-Gone-Daing” declaration as the UN road map for democracy in Burma
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